Orbis Marketing is concerned in the provision sustainable marketing consultancy and marketing solutions. We recognise that our operations have an effect on the environment and we wish to minimise the potentially harmful effects of such activity wherever and whenever possible. We also recognise that good environmental management must be an integral and fundamental part of our business strategy.
Our policy is to meet or exceed all environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice. We are committed to the prevention of environmental degradation and to minimising the impact of our operations on the environment. This environmental policy is the company’s statement of environmental goals which outline our commitment to continual environmental improvement.
Energy Use
We will use environmentally safe and sustainable energy sources to meet our needs.
We will improve our environmental performance by conserving energy, water, wood, paper and other resources, particularly those which are scarce or non renewable, through efficient use and careful planning.
We will promote recycling and the use of recycled and refurbished products and materials where such alternatives are economical and suitable, while reducing consumption of materials wherever possible.
We will work with our suppliers to ensure they recognise and reduce the environmental impact of their products and transportation through a quality purchasing policy.
Through coordinating route planning we will seek to realise the dual benefits of reduced fuel consumption and lower exhaust emissions.
We commit to regular training and up-skilling on environmental issues.
This environmental policy will be reviewed regularly and, if necessary, revised to reflect the latest developments. We will conduct an annual self-evaluation of our performance in implementing these principles and in complying with all applicable laws and regulations.